
Portion 4: God is always by my side.

Golden text: Psalm 139.

Understanding the text: King David experienced many moments of loneliness, while tending the flocks and then while being pursued by Saul. During this time, he learned that God was everywhere, including within himself. He could hide from ferocious animals or from King Saul, but never from God. How God does this, is an unanswered question, because God does not do it, He is like that. He created all things and therefore is greater than all things and knows them in detail. For example, oxygen is everywhere on earth, and everyone breathes it, yet it continues to be there for everyone. In the same way, God is in every place, not only to know what man does, but to be aware of him, to take care of him and protect him.


  • — It is good for the child to be able to hear phrases like: “Thank you, Lord, that you take care of: (child’s name)! Thank you, Lord, that you are always with: (child’s name)!”, etc.
  • — Thank God out loud and ask for protection for the child by mentioning his or her name.
  • — Learn a children’s praise and try to hum it repeatedly.