A class for children (3–13 years).

On one occasion, a teacher asked a child, “Can you read?” and he replied, “I can’t read, but I can write.” The teacher was surprised and asked him to write something. The boy scribbled and the surprised teacher said: “Let’s...

Portion 10: God brought friends that I must take care of.

Golden text: Psalm 133. Understanding the text: What a great opportunity God gives us to put ourselves in the midst of other believers. Every believer is our brother, for God has made him part of the spiritual family. Of course, this is not easy, but precisely because...

Portion 9: God wants you to live like Jesus.

Golden text: 1Jhon 2:4-6. Understanding the text: Jesus is worthy of imitation. No one has ever behaved like Him in such holy harmony with God that He could even pay mankind’s sin debt on the cross. Now those who believe in Him can be saved; by imitating Him...

Portion 8: Jesus is always waiting for me with open arms.

Texto áureo: Matthew 19:14. Understanding the text: No one has understood childhood like Jesus. He not only asked adults to imitate them, but He commanded that children be allowed to come to Him. His work in them is supernatural, in spiritual protection and in answer...

Portion 7: God came into this world.

Golden text: Isaiah 9:6-7. Understanding the text: Although God created the universe, we must understand that it is under the dominion of Satan, who took possession of this part of creation through sin. God had to allow this for one simple reason: “He created...