Portion 1: God wants me to know that I am special to Him.

Golden text: Isaiah 44:2. Understanding the text: The prophet Isaiah was from the kingdom of Judah, and there he prophesied, in one of the most critical periods in the history of his country. God’s message to the nation that had abandoned faith in Him is wrapped...

A class for infants (0-2 years).

This material proposes topics and some useful details for teachers, but the main expectation is that they can make each encounter a special moment for them and their pupils. Let’s look at some tips for teachers at this stage of life: ♦ The infant portions are...

Portions Peculiarities (ICD).

1.- Here, you will not find lessons like those in ACD, but general principles related to the four main stages of life: early childhood, childhood, youth, and adulthood. 2.- Nor will you find a specific syllabus for each age, except for early childhood and adulthood....

Porción 130

Texto áureo: Deuteronomio 21:10-22.12. Lecturas para adultos en la semana Día 1 Deuteronomio 21:10-23 Día 2 Deuteronomio 22:1-12 Día 3 Probervios 11 Día 4 Jeremias 2-3 Día 5  2ªCorintios 7 Día 6 1ªTimoteos 3 Descripción de la Porción Contenido Multimedia I- Nuestro...

Porción 105

Texto áureo: Números 30. Lecturas para adultos en la semana Día 1 Números 30 Día 2 1ªReyes 21-22 Día 3 Cantares 1-3 Día 4   Cantares 6-8 Día 5 Mateo 5:33-37 Día 6 1ªCorintios 7:1-17 Descripción del tema Contenido multimedia I- Importancia de las palabras. Una pregunta...