
Contributions for 2024-2025.

Way Up Foundation is a non-profit organization duly registered in the state of Florida, USA, working tirelessly to provide resources and specialized support that help elevate and strengthen the educational, cultural, and value formation levels of the part of God’s people who have and understand this need. This service is offered free of charge to churches, ministries, or individuals in need because we do it for God. That is why your donations are so important to us.

To achieve the above, Way Up has relied on the voluntary work of each member. However, the process of growth requires a dedicated office space and full-time personnel to maximize our service capabilities.

Of course, the greatest contribution you can make to our service is to include us in your daily prayers to God, as the divine presence is our primary sustainer. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, and above all, a constant refreshment in our hearts.

As mentioned, our main workforce comes from volunteers, so if you would like to volunteer in any area, please contact our team at: wayupcoop@gmail.com.

Alongside all forms of service, Way Up’s goals can be achieved thanks to the generosity of people like you who contribute financially to our cause, as minimal expenses are necessary. Therefore, we would love for you to consider donating to continue supporting us. Any amount you can contribute is valuable and will make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

Budget Details:

Annual Investment:

– Operating expenses: $$51.300,00
– Extensions inside and outside the USA: $4,000.00
– Conferences: $4,000.00
– Training: $2,500.00

Our total budget for this year is: $62,800.00.


How do we minimize annual expenses?

Office work is done from home, and each person collaborating with Way Up, whether full-time, part-time, or volunteer, covers most of their own office expenses.


How to achieve the budget?

The budget is managed through direct offerings from the ministries that receive our service, but also individually from people who benefit from our service or identify with our vision.