
The wayup Blog


Apologética, BLOG, Historia, Universal

Throughout the evolution of human thought and its constant quest to understand the world, we have gone through periods of change in how we think and perceive reality. From the Renaissance to modern challenges, we have witnessed influences in philosophy, theology, and the entire Western culture. However, this journey has also confronted us with darker aspects of thought, which we could call “the assassins of reason.”

On one hand, the humanism that emerged during the Renaissance advocated for an individual-centered view and the exploration of the world from that perspective. However, by the 18th century, it began to decline, influenced mainly by the rise of relativism. This philosophical current questioned the existence of absolute truths, leading to widespread pessimism in areas such as science, philosophy, and theology. This pessimism is attributed to the absence of God in the humanist equation, which led to the search for alternative “absolutes” in an increasingly relative world. This resulted in a constant struggle for the supremacy of thought, where an elite would decide the direction of reason and the thought of the masses.

Alongside humanism, existentialism emerged, a current that places the individual at the center and bases judgment on one’s own perception or reasoning, regardless of the surrounding reality. This approach influenced movements like the hippies and Eastern religions, altering modern society’s perception of reality and its relationship with the individual. Simultaneously, part of the church, criticized for its silence in the face of the advance of humanism, seemed to remove the divine from the equation, giving rise to religious liberalism. This current reinterpreted religious teachings without considering the supernatural, favoring a society where human ethical and moral values prevailed over divine principles. This paradigmatic shift has brought with it contradictory and often illogical consequences in modern society, where each individual has their own truth, separate from the absolutes established by God and based on their own limited perspective. For example, while some vehemently defend the right of animals not to suffer, they advocate for the right to abortion, ignoring the right to life of the developing fetus. In another example, some promote the adoption of abandoned animals from the streets but feel no desire to help the homeless, treating them worse than animals.

In conclusion, the journey through the development of modern thought confronts us with these “assassins of reason,” currents of thought that have challenged our ability to discern the truth and have sown discord in society. Reflecting on this journey leads us to the task of reconciling our beliefs and values in a world where truth seems relative and reason is threatened.

Author: Mesac Mora


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