Portion 60

Golden Text: Exodus 29-30:10. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 29-30:10 Day 2: Nehemiah 3-4 Day 3: Ezekiel 40-41 Day 4: Acts 25 Day 5: Hebrews 8 Day 6: Revelation 5 Portion Description Media Content I- Sets aside for the ministry. Three areas needed consecration...

Portion 59

Golden Text: Exodus 28. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 28 Day 2: Psalm 45 Day 3: Zechariah 1-3 Day 4: Mathew 27 Day 5: Mark 16 Day 6: Revelation 7 Portion Description Media Content A poem by Yosef Sanado illustrates a very important thing that is inferred in...

Portion 58

Golden Text: Exodus 25:10-27:21. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 25:10-40 Day 2: Exodus 26:1-27:21 Day 3: 1 Kings 6. Day 4: Hebrews 10:1-25. Day 5: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Day 6: Reveletion 18. Portion Description Media Content I- Utilities for worship. a) The ark...

Portion 57

Golden Text: Ex 25:1-10 Readings for the week: Day 1: Ex 25:1-10 Day 2: 1R 5 Day 3: 2Ch 24 Day 4: Mal 3:13-18 Day 5: Heb 1 Day 6: Eph 4:17-32 Portion Description Media Content I- A tabernacle for the people. In this portion God commands Moses to build the tabernacle...

Portion 56

Golden Text: Ex 24 Readings for the week: Day 1: Ex 24 Day 2: Ps 24 Day 3: Is 63-64 Day 4: Ezk 1-3 Day 5: Mt 5:1-12 Day 6: Rev 1 Portion Description Media Content Most people believe that Moses only climbed Mount Sinai once, received the stone tablets, and came down....