
Portion 59

Golden Text: Exodus 28.
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Exodus 28

Day 2: Psalm 45

Day 3: Zechariah 1-3

Day 4: Mathew 27

Day 5: Mark 16

Day 6: Revelation 7

A poem by Yosef Sanado illustrates a very important thing that is inferred in this portion:

“… Don’t forget your essence, always keep your innocence.

Remember that your true you is inside you,

do not betray him and do not replace him, because of your outward appearance.

But keep in mind that your clothing tells us,

it transmits and reveals to us sketches of your novel.

Each soldier with his uniform, each athlete with his clothing,

Each actor with his costume and who is the one who disguises himself.

Be aware of your role as an ambassador, you are a priest chosen by the Creator,

Choose your clothes scrupulously

May they be for your honor and that of your people constantly.

Dressing is a privilege that does not become a sacrilege.

To cover the body is to show that the soul is what you want to reveal.”[1].

The high priest, to serve in the tabernacle, had to wear eight specific pieces: breastplate (joshen), apron (ephod), tunic (meil), checkered tunic (ketonet tashbetz), turban (mitsnefet), belt or girdle (avneit), guarantee for decisions (Unim and Tumin) and sheet of holiness (tzitz zahav).

Each garment had prophetic symbolism about Christ (Heb 9:9-10). The priests were also honored in their ministry through clothing, for they spoke of the holicity of their service which they were exercising (v. 2). This tells us about God’s honor to His servants, even though in most cases they are despised and rejected by the world in which they live.

The garments were also a way of putting on or covering human sin and impurity before God (v.2). These chokim were revealed in the holiness of Jesus, which is the same with which the Holy Spirit covers his people[2].



1.- What do you think the idea of right or holy dress for the Christian refers to?

2.- What does the type of garment of the bride of the Lamb refer to in Revelation?

3.- Look in the details of the priestly garment for something specific that was fulfilled in Christ. 


[1] Bridges for the Soul, Yosef Sanato.

[2] Is. 61.10.

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