
The wayup Blog


BLOG, Historia, Palestina


Sadly, when we approach this topic, we will always encounter some myths that have become paradigms, evident in certain common expressions, even among famous intellectuals and spokespersons of international organizations. For example, Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, said a few days ago: “If we have to suspend relations with Israel, we will suspend them (and he did), we do not support genocide…”. But has Israel really committed or is committing genocide? Or, for example, the UN when it condemns or warns Israel about the “excessive use” of force as an “occupying” power, but is Israel really an occupying power and uses excessive force? Or when they say there are millions of “displaced” people suffering from Israel’s attacks on “terrorist” groups. If we add to this all the other myths that collapse just by recounting the history we have seen in the previous articles, we realize that ignorance about the subject not only makes us unaware of a reality, but we might be fueling the fire just by giving our opinion or favoring some lie. Since this reality is known by those who have no scruples about lying, they then create an entire fantastical cloud around the topic to direct it where they want and use it as a storm against their enemies.

First, we must understand that although there are many lies in all of this, they are also intertwined with manipulated truths, making it easier to believe the lie and at the same time harder to unmask it. For example, when it is said that Israel desires to occupy all the territory that belonged to the 12 tribes and that we know God gave them through Abraham, we are stating a truth, but we add the lie that this is the desire of the State of Israel today. As we saw in our first article, Zionism never had this desire, only intended to build communities and perhaps a state anywhere in the world that could shelter a nation that for 2000 years was well defined in its diaspora, but was discriminated against and massacred frequently, so they could live and develop in peace.

Trying to address the topic that concerns us in these articles, under the challenge of the complexity that the matter brings due to the number of facets it implies, let’s see what happened after World War II.

Under the British mandate, it was proposed to divide the region to form two states: One Arab, which was supposed to be 44% of the territory with 725,000 Arabs and 7,000 Jews, and another Israeli with 55% of the territory and a population of 500,000 Jews and 400,000 Arabs. And although it seemed fair, the Arabs did not accept it, and thus the first Arab intifadas erupted, massacring entire Jewish communities, and of course, the Jewish response was the same, not so much as revenge as it is often portrayed, but in self-defense trying to provoke a reaction in their enemies; similar to the one assumed by Japan after the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which forced them to immediately abandon the war and even become one of the main partners of the USA today.

On May 14, 1948, after a series of legal procedures, Israel declared its independence, but the Arab countries of the entire region (not those from the land of Palestine), who had nothing to do with the conflict with the Palestinian Arabs, declared war on Israel. Finally, everyone went against Israel in a large-scale invasion when Israel didn’t even have an army yet, but they managed to defend and organize themselves and defeated that coalition of Arab countries (and we know thanks to whom that miracle happened). That war ended with many Arab soldiers imprisoned and quite a few territories occupied by the new Israeli army. The government of the State of Israel then took the opportunity to exchange soldiers and territories for the Gaza area, which until then belonged to Egypt. And although some might find this exchange unfathomable, it was done precisely to give more territory to the Palestinian Arabs and for them to see it more convenient to become independent, with the initial amount of territories that had been offered by the British. And what happened? Nothing, an Arab leader born in Egypt appeared and created the new Nationalist Palestinian Arab identity with an organization representing them, the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), his name was Yasser Arafat.

With this rejection of the new offer, Israel refused to accept the return of more than 700,000 Palestinian Arab refugees as a result of the war, and some were “refugeed” to those same countries that incited them against Israel, while others remained in the West Bank area. As the PLO had no choice but to go to political, not military, negotiations to finally settle in those territories and establish their state, more radical groups than them began to emerge, whose only dream was and still is to defeat Israel completely, not only in their land but also worldwide. And so groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad appear, capable of massacring their own people to achieve their goals.

It should be remembered that in Muslim doctrine, death is an end to achieve living as they are not capable of living in the flesh, with properties and women that allow them to live their mental orgies. And if that is taken to the extreme, they almost want to seek their death and that of their children more than anything else. So for them, there is no problem in dying, not even lying, because for them, the end justifies the means.

In 2007, Israel decided to completely leave the Gaza region, just as they were not in the West Bank region, so those Palestinians could begin to build their state. Previously in the West Bank region, the PLO had won the elections and still governs there today, without giving up Arafat’s dream of one day removing Israel from the region, but through less harsh methods than those of the other radicals. The problem is that teaching that becomes a machine for producing terrorists, even if they officially reject that attitude. In the Gaza region, there were also elections, but since the PLO was not so popular in the area, the terrorist group Hamas won with 53% of the votes.

Although there is some tranquility in the West Bank today, in the Gaza area, the Hamas government has allocated all its resources, including international aid given to them, also all the aid from Israel, for example, paying 60% of their electricity, in function of attacking Israel. Just as an additional fact, since the massacres on October 7 of this year until today, missile attacks from Gaza over all of Israel have not ceased. Where does the budget for this come from? Simple, from the backs of the more than 2 million Palestinians living in the area.

So we have a group among all the Palestinians that officially divides into terrorists and peaceful negotiators. For the wise, a few words are enough.

To be continued…

Author: Dr. Liber Aguiar


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