
Portion 39

Golden Text: Ex 17:8-16.
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Ex 17:8-16

Day 2: 1Sam 15

Day 3: 2 Kings 6:1-23

Day 4: Dan 3

Day 5: Zech 14

Day 6: Lk 10:25-42

I- The Amalekite.

Contextualizing the portion a little, we must be clear that the Amalekites were descendants of one of Esau’s grandsons, which indicates that they were related to the Israelites (Gen. 36).

Among so many enemies that God’s people have had, why is there such a strong action of His against the Amalekites? Apart from the lack of familiarity, the answer is found in Deuteronomy 25:17-19: they attacked them on the road as if Israel were an army and not as a people that was migrating, they killed the stragglers (the sick, the elderly, pregnant women, etc.), they expected them to be tired and fatigued (approximately 1,000,000 people on the move). In other words, they did not have a minimum of mercy. On the other hand, the Amalekites had no fixed land because they were nomads, so they were one people against all peoples. They had no fear of the God of their ancestors (Abraham, Isaac).

II- Being Amalekite goes beyond an ethnicity.

This people represent evil, and lack of peace personified. There are at war with everyone, what is the reason? None, that is their nature.

That is why God commands us to remember this forever, not only to take care of the Amalekites as an ethnic group, but to remember never to repeat that characteristic of malice in us. It is not so much to beware of the Amalekites as to take care of ourselves from becoming Amalekites. Hence the Lord commands them to be destroyed. And in a spiritual sense, where?

God does not sentence the genetic descendants of Amalek, because the children are not guilty of the sin of the parents, for each bears his own guilt, but shows that there is a divine sentence against those who do not repent and wish to continue in the same sin of the Amalekites.


1.- If God is love, why do you think He ordered Amalek to be destroyed?
2.- Who would be the Amalekites of today?
3.- What should be the attitude of a believer in relation to evil?
4.- What would you do in your home so that you do not forget the sin of the Amalekites and that your family will not be dragged into that wickedness?

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