
Portion 41

Golden Text: Ex 18:13-27
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Ex 18:13-27

Day 2: Ezra 7-8

Day 3: Mt 8

Day 4: Phil 4:1-9

Day 5: Titus 1

Day 6: 1Pet 5

I- The art of delegating.

Jethro’s experience told him that leadership in the way Moses was leading him was doomed to failure. His suggestion is the most advanced model today for the functioning of leadership in large organizations: Delegate to suitable people.

This story has two different points to be focused on. On the one hand, the leader’s attitude to delegate. And on the other, the attitude of those to whom it is going to be delegated. We must be ready for one thing, but also for the other. When a leader is recognized, the attitude of the most mature should be: How to collaborate efficiently with that leadership? The leader, on the other hand, must be aware of those who have this attitude.

Why is it so hard for many leaders to delegate to others? The reason for this is that the moment we ask someone to do something for us we immediately lose the feeling of control. The very thought, “If we are not in control, things can go wrong” must be overshadowed with humility, for it can turn into self-reliance and pride. From all angles, delegating is favorable, as it helps with the balance of self-esteem and with the freedom to have more time to do more things. It is also good to recognize that sometimes the leader does want to delegate a task, but others lack the ability to do it in place of the leader. And that’s where he can also think, “It’s better if I do it.” But in the same way, without realizing it, that thought is being given entry that in the long run will weaken him as a leader. It’s true that it can take time to teach someone a new skill, but investing in the present can greatly help future leadership.

II- Counseling and listening to other leaders.

It is good to highlight Jethro’s prudence, because in v. 23 he emphasizes that it is not imposing advice as some usually give, but he says: “And God commands you.” He doesn’t expect Moses to do something just because he’s telling him to, because that could come into conflict with God. Logic is not always right, obeying God is the truly logical thing that always leads to excellence. That is why when counseling another, one should not use God as the extortion seal to be heard, but one should seek God’s will to know what the Creator has for that person.

On the other hand, Moses “listened,” as did Jethro, as an attitude that should characterize the leaders of God’s people: To be attentive to the voice of the Lord through others because, even though they are leaders, He is still the King of all.


1.- Share with your group some of the ministry challenges you have for this year and what you are doing to take them forward.
2.- Share with your group if you have ever had the opportunity to give a large recognition to an elder and what you would recommend.
3.- Why do you think God has control of bad things, if He is a God of love?

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