
Portion 49

Golden Text: Exodus 20:14
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Jeremiah 13

Day 2: Hosea 4

Day 3: Matthew 5:21-32

Day 4: 1Corinthians 6:1-11

Day 5: Ephesians 5:22-33

Day 6: Revelation 17

I- Marriage.

This commandment brings up God’s intention and desire for successful marriages. Thus, a distinguishing feature of Bible teaching is the stability of marriage. Whoever commits adultery violates this sacred perspective.

A person who is disloyal in his marriage will almost certainly be disloyal to God, and he has already been disloyal by his own act. God, when He created man and woman, wanted them to bring harmony to the world, so adultery directly goes against that divine plan.

Marriage also goes beyond a relationship, it carries in itself an eternal message. Through marriage, God’s relationship with His church can be better understood[1].

II- Lust.

Sadly, we live in a society highly dominated by the promotion of lust and sensuality. Concupiscence and the unlimited pursuit of pleasure, despite the pain of destroyed homes, have taken absolute control of our society. Let us not be confused, this is not progress or modernity, it is rather an imitation of animal life[2]. It is a direct attack on the spirit and values of the human being.

III- Adultery.

In general, adultery is a grave sin against one’s neighbor, since it involves treating another person (one’s spouse) in a way that no one would like to be treated.

Jesus taught that if you only consent with your mind to a suggestion of adultery, it has already been done, even if you don’t get to action. That is not to say that just by bringing a sinful thought to mind it is already sin, for there is a difference between sin and temptation. Now, it is necessary that if any such thought comes to mind, the person immediately combats it[3]. Even if these suggestions are received, they must be rejected, just as Christ did[4].


1.- When do you think a person is guilty of adultery?

2.- Considering Mr 7:20-23, what should a Christian who has committed adultery do: repent of this only or examine his conversion? Why?

3.- What do you think should be done to prevent the temptations of thought from becoming “sweet” reasoning?


[1] Eph 5:21-33.

[2] Prov 6:32.

[3] 1 Corinthians 10:13; James 1:12.

[4] Heb 4:15.

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