
Portion 51

Golden Text: Exodus 20:16
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Psalm 17

Day 2: Psalm 140-141

Day 3: Romans 3

Day 4: 1 Corinthians 4

Day 5: 2 Corinthians 10

Day 6: James 3

I- False testimony.

This oath points directly toward the reputation of others. By not talking about others, their reputation and ours are taken care of[1].

Many times, the violation of this oath is not seen literally in a trial or something like that, but you cannot lose sight of the fact that it also points towards gossip. In other words, it is all the information that can affect the reputation of another, especially when it is given without there really being a need for the listener to have such information.

Sadly, when someone hears something false from another person, even if they do not receive it, it is to some extent engraved there in their thinking or intertwined with the logic of relationship that binds that person[2]. That is why Pablo recommends trying not to participate in any measure of listening to this type of information[3].

What to do when gossip is brought to us? Do not delight in this and avoid this being repeated in the ear of the one of whom we speak[4]. Even the person with the gossip can be alerted with a reasonable amount of time to go and talk to the person in question or else you would do it.

It must also be understood that speaking ill of another person is a dishonest way of flattering oneself. When talking about others, specific tones of voice can even be used to exalt our position and discredit the other person.

Leisure is a source of enrichment for gossip. In biblical times, it was by taking it from house to house[5]; today the cell phone favors that “procedure.”

Other times, revenge can be conveyed through gossip and defamation[6]. The sin of another person, if it has been one, cannot lead a child of God to sin, for vengeance is not ours[7].

Other times there is a desire to attract attention by the fact of knowing what no one knows[8].


1.- Tell your group how you felt when you learned that people were spoken of behind your back.

2.- How do you think they are like falsely talking about each other and gossiping?

3.- How would you act when faced with someone who comes to tell you something as gossip?

4.- Analyze Jesus’ trial and point out the verses in which you see this oath violated.


[1] Prov 25:18.

[2] 1 Corinthians 15:33.

[3] Phil 4:8.

[4] Ps 15:3.

[5] 1Tim 5:13.

[6] Rom 12:17-21.

[7] Rom 12:19.

[8] Prov 10:19.

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