
Portion 52

Golden Text: Exodus 20:17
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Psalm 35-36

Day 2: Matthew 6:19-34

Day 3: Luke 12:13-31

Day 4: 1 Timothy 6:1-10

Day 5: Hebrew 13:1-19

Day 6: James 4:1-10

I- Greed.

Greed is an evil that comes from inner corruption and can contaminate from the most intimate circle to the most distant (this includes the person, his family, his country and even the whole earth).

Greed has the characteristic of blinding the person in the desire to achieve what is attracting his attention.

Greed is not desiring what one does not possess, but when that desire becomes the one that controls the person robbing him of the stillness of the soul[1]. This stillness is based when a person is happy with what he has because he understands that it comes from God and He will never give him what is not good for him.

Covetousness not only points to the desire for sinful things, but also for those that are in themselves good[2], but by attaining them one loses one’s self-control.

The desire and the effort at all costs to be rich (not to really be rich) corrupt; this is another way of manifesting greed[3].

With this word God desires that man should find in Him the control of his desires in the right parameters of sobriety and contentment in His provisions.


1.- Give some examples of good things in themselves that can take away contentment.
2.- Share with your group how you manage to turn away from greed.


[1] 1 Tim 6:6-10.

[2] Prov 21:5, 20.

[3] Prov 23:4-5.

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