
Portion 53

Golden Text: Exodus 20:18-26
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Exodus 20:18-26

Day 2: Isaiah 7

Day 3: Psalm 126-128

Day 4: Matthew 14

Day 5: Mark 1:16-39

Day 6: Acts 2:22-36

I- Two very interesting details that this portion reveals.

The first is found in verse 18 itself when it says that the whole town watched the noise, the lightning and the sound of the shofar[1]. Although much could be criticized for the spiritual condition of the people of Israel, who could not climb the mountain, it must be understood that they did not go up the mountain above all things by divine design. For it can also be seen here at what spiritual point they were as God’s people who could see the intangible, even though as has been said this was solely and exclusively due to the grace of God. As he wants us to look at the fact, we must conclude that God willed it that way, perhaps to teach them to fear and reverence him (v.20). As believers we must understand that the spiritual things we go through are possible only by the grace of God and not by human management. Someone will say: And holiness not produced by the believer? The answer is simple: “Even holiness is a gift from God to man, even though it is our responsibility to assume it.”

The other interesting detail of this portion is regarding the sound of the shofar which appears here without there being an instrument to produce it. This demonstrates the divine presence and his grace, just as a wind instrument needs someone who blows it and knows how to do it correctly, and in this case with a power capable of being heard by all the people gathered there. Without a doubt, it had to be God himself who through this sound was announcing to the people the special nature of everything that was coming. In a musical way, this sound of the shofar was characterized by going in crescendo, as everything that comes from God is increasing.

II- A blessed leader.

It is also clear that the people were sure that their leader was talking to God. That testimony was not fought or managed by Moses, but God had testified so far that He spoke to His servant by His own choice.

When a group can’t see a leader blessed by God, it creates uncertainty that will become clear when the winds blow against the community. On the one hand, it allows them to follow their decisions and, on the other, it becomes a pattern of behavior for the rest.

III- Blessing for all his people.

Interestingly, the Lord revealed His law to all the people. This makes clear a tremendous difference with the rest of the religions, because there is always someone (in the singular) who receives a special revelation, but how to prove that this revelation is true (Mohammed, Joseph Smith, and others).

At Sinai, Moses did not need to prove anything, as he had to do with Pharaoh, because all the people listened. God reveals Himself to multitudes so that His presence is not debatable. Some, mainly within neo-Pharisee Judaism, now claim that this proves Christianity to be a false religion, because Jesus only revealed himself to a few. Without considering that Christianity cannot be disconnected from Moses, because it is the same faith and it was Jesus himself who manifested himself in both moments[2], we must quote some passages that they apparently do not know (Mark 1:4-11; Mt 14:21; Acts 2:5-12, 22-24, 33; 1Cor 15:5-8). It is also important in this regard to understand that the law given to Moses had its greatest international impact through Jesus.


1.- Find other passages in the Bible that talk about seeing God’s Word and discuss with the group.
2.- Research what the shofar is and what specific sounds the Bible describes.
c) Tell the rest of the group about a miracle or action of God that you, along with others, have been able to witness. 

[1] Instrumento de viento de la liturgia bíblica hecho con tarro de carnero.

[2] Jn 1:18.

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