
Portion 62

Golden Text: Exodus 30:22-31:18.
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Exodus 30:22-31:18

Day 2: Nehemiah 13:15-31

Day 3: Jeremiah 33-36

Day 4: Matthews 12:1-21

Day 5: Hebrew 7

Day 6: Revelation 8

I- Incense

God taught Moses to prepare the anointing oil of holiness, which was indispensable for the consecration of one who would serve God. This pointed to the fact that this—the highest service of a human being required special training on the part of God toward him. It is not only to feel the desire to do so, but to be empowered (symbol of the oil) and confirmed (symbol of the officiant) by the Lord of the vineyard.

Ancient writers say that the neighboring peoples paid so dearly to have that perfume that they gave their weight in gold. The Lord wanted to distinguish the smell of his house from all other idol temples that could exist. This also speaks of a service to God that is not only holy, but capable of impacting others. There is nothing that does this more than the holiness and love of God’s children. This is the true fragrant odor that must accompany Christian service to humanity today.

II- God’s call.

Through the call of Bezalel and Oholiab, God teaches that He does not call randomly but does so because He knows the human being. God also teaches that He empowers with His Holy Spirit because for His service it is necessary that it be so. It’s not that he doesn’t look at or care about talents and abilities, but that service to Him involves more. God’s work involves His children being obedient to every detail of His plan, and this cannot be done from skills and talents, but from spiritual experience through His training.

III- Weekly rest.

Unlike the previous texts that were referred to those who served in the tabernacle, beginning in Exodus 31:12 it will speak to all Israel. The Sabbath debate is almost always surrounded by the themes of superstition or legalism that identified the Pharisees in the first century, but it is interesting in this passage how God says that through the Sabbath man is sanctified.

Let’s think for a moment about a humanity that never rested on a specific day, everything was work and work (which is how the ancient world can be characterized in this sense). The only nation that had this was Israel, and that was thanks to a divine design revealed to them. Don’t you think that is sufficient cause to thank him and to keep him?

In addition, this Sabbath was not to lie down vacationing in a bed, but to be spent in becoming intimate with God, as part of a family and a congregation. It is in this way that rest must be looked at to transform it into what it really should have been. 


1.- Why do you think God taught how to make oil and frankincense and didn’t just send you to buy one in the market of any nearby town?

2.- If a young man in your congregation expresses a desire to serve God, what would you advise him to do?

3.- Give your fellow students a little reflection on what a completely separate day means to you for the Lord.

4.- What do you think the Sabbath cannot become?


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