
Portion 64

Golden Text: Exodus 35-36.
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Exodus 35

Day 2: Exodus 36

Day 3: 2ºSamuel 1

Day 4: Nehemiah 5-6

Day 5: Philippians 4

Day 6: 1ºThessalonians 2:17-3:13

I- Everything in the Bible is important.

Apparently in this portion everything that had been said previously is repeated. If we analyze this in the light of an indisputable reality: “Everything in the Bible has a motive that comes directly from God,” we will find details that will be of great benefit to us.

II- Working on the Sabbath.

The Sabbath refers to the cessation of work for gain, however, one can work to serve God and to do good for and to others. For example, in the most orthodox rabbinical Judaism to this day it is forbidden to light any type of fire but notice that the fire in this passage has to do with the fire in the dwelling[1], and not with the activities inside the house to light oneself, to cook or some other essential need.

It must always be remembered that any effort to consecrate the day completely to the Lord is valid, without making it a hindrance that prevents us from serving our own God or our neighbor.

III- Three words that stand out in this portion.

Adat (עֲדַ֛ת): This word is used when it says that Moses gathered the whole congregation, but more literally it would be that he gathered the different groups or assemblies from among all the people. This speaks to us of teamwork, community, cooperativism as a distinguishing characteristic among the different ministries, ethnic groups, ages, etc. of the people of God. 

Another word often used in this portion is “brought,” meaning the people did much more now than they did when they disobeyed. The people brought in so much abundance without being required that Moses had to tell them to stop.

Another widely used word is “they did“. Interestingly, not only did they all donate things, because we know that many people can donate and do not get involved, but they donated material resources and time. From this we can learn that as God’s people we must also be involved in serving Him and not just giving. 

IV- Heart donations.

Women are very active in this portion. Among all the things they brought, they donated their bronze mirrors to make the fountain that would be used for washing the hands and feet of the priests. With this decision they transformed an object of personal use into something of spiritual use.

For their part, the men and the princes of the tribes also actively participated in all the work. In Exodus 35:26,29 a deep awareness is expressed that everything given was for God and not simply something emotional or meaningless, since everything was done from the heart.


1.- What did you learn from all the content that this portion repeated in relation to the previous ones?

2.- How should we do the weekly Sabbath to properly fulfill this commandment and take advantage of the good it brings?

3.- Discuss the times the word wisdom appears in this portion and explain why you think it is so widely used.

4.- Why do you think time is more valuable than money?


[1] The word translated ‘ dwelling’ in some Hebrew versions is mosebotei (מֹשְׁבֹֽתֵי) and speaks more of the place where the thing is, the land, than the house itself.

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