
Portion 65

Golden Text: Exodus 37-38.
Readings for the week:

Day 1: Exodus 37-38

Day 2: Job 23-24

Day 3: Psalm 16

Day 4: Proverbs 19-20

Day 5: Colossians 2:8-3:4

Day 6: Hebrew 2

I- Developing the internal without forgetting the external.

Because of living in a material world, our spirit is confined to a physical body[1]. For this reason, what is experienced physically leaves a strong impression on the human consciousness and in turn motivates or discourages your heart. The performance of actions associated with joy and happiness generates this emotional state, for suitable external actions are means through which one attains appropriate intentions[2].

That is why the majestic and impressive tabernacle not only brought a relationship with God, but also a physical environment that exerted the most profound effect on all who beheld it, creating a powerful inner feeling of peace and power of glory. Actions that are done with the right intention propagate an emotional balance favorable to communication with God in all areas of the human being and his community.

That is what the gold on the inside and outside of the ark tells us about. Every child of God is to live in holiness inside (in his spirit) and outside (in his physical environment). If it is a sin to act incorrectly, it is a double sin to act in a visibly “right” way when it is different inside, since it implies an unapproved action, as well as hypocrisy and falsehood.

II- The now and not yet.

When we study this portion, we are faced with a biblical reality that is: “the now and not yet”.[3] In Exodus 38:21 we find that it says, “These are the accounts of the tabernacle, of the tabernacle of the testimony,” where the word “tabernacle” is repeated.

On the first occasion he refers to the present life of the nation and the ministerial use that it would have for the following centuries. A nation focused on the solution of the relationship with God and its physical repercussions for them and all humanity. In the second, he focuses on his testimony that identifies him as a nation of God compared to the rest of the nations (edot), which at the same time became an announcement through things they did without much sense or practical explanation (chukim), which in turn brought an implicit message for the future where they would find their spiritual reality (Christ,  His Church, the new man).


1.- We have often met brothers and sisters whose witness speaks of an authentic encounter with God. However, we see him fall into certain emotional imbalances. Considering this portion, what would you recommend and why?

2.- What edot in this portion do you see that can be found later in the gospels?


[1] 2 Co 4:7.

[2] This topic is discussed in more detail by the author in the book Life Before Death, KDP (ISBN-13: 979-8663797498).

[3] This concept is used by the theologian Anthony Hoekema in his book The Bible and the Future (ISBN-13: 978-1558830707), although in this material it is not used strictly in the same sense.

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