Portion 50

Golden Text: Exodus 20:15 Readings for the week: Day 1: 2Samuel 15 Day 2: Ezekiel 17-19 Day 3: Micah 3-5 Day 4: Malachi 3:6-12 Day 5: John 10:1-21 Day 6: Acts 5:1-11 Portion Description Media Content I- Everything has two owners. This word or oath implies the right to...

Portion 49

Golden Text: Exodus 20:14 Readings for the week: Day 1: Jeremiah 13 Day 2: Hosea 4 Day 3: Matthew 5:21-32 Day 4: 1Corinthians 6:1-11 Day 5: Ephesians 5:22-33 Day 6: Revelation 17 Portion Description Media Content I- Marriage. This commandment brings up God’s...

Portion 48

Golden Text: Ex 20:13 Readings for the week: Day 1: Kings 4 Day 2: Psalm 79 Day 3: Psalm 122-123 Day 4: 1Cor 13 Day 5: Col 3 Day 6: James 1:19-27 Portion Description Media Content I- Thou shalt not murder. The verb in Hebrew has a very different treatment from the...

Portion 47

Golden Text: Exodus 20:12 Readings for the week: Day 1: Psalm 27 Day 2: Proverbs 22-23 Day 3: Malachi 1 Day 4: Matthew 15 Day 5: John 8-9 Day 6: Ephesians 6:1-9 Portion Description Media Content I- Honoring parents ensures quality of life. Interestingly, God puts...

Portion 46

Golden Text: Ex 20:8-11 Readings for the week: Day 1: Ps 119:41-48 Day 2: Ps 116-117 Day 3: Lk 13:1-21 Day 4: Lk 14 Day 5: Acts 13 Day 6: Heb 3 Portion Description Media Content I- An instrument to rest. The Hebrew word Shabbat, despite what many believe, has its root...