Portion 65

Golden Text: Exodus 37-38. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 37-38 Day 2: Job 23-24 Day 3: Psalm 16 Day 4: Proverbs 19-20 Day 5: Colossians 2:8-3:4 Day 6: Hebrew 2 Portion Description Media Content I- Developing the internal without forgetting the external. Because...

Portion 64

Golden Text: Exodus 35-36. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 35 Day 2: Exodus 36 Day 3: 2ºSamuel 1 Day 4: Nehemiah 5-6 Day 5: Philippians 4 Day 6: 1ºThessalonians 2:17-3:13 Portion Description Media Content I- Everything in the Bible is important. Apparently in...

Portion 63

Golden Text: Exodus 32-34. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 32 Day 2: Exodus 33-34 Day 3: Hosea 10-11 Day 4: Matthew 4 Day 5: Romans 11:25-36 Day 6: Romans 10 Portion Description Media Content I- The cynicism of betrayal of God. Interestingly, while God was...

Portion 62

Golden Text: Exodus 30:22-31:18. Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 30:22-31:18 Day 2: Nehemiah 13:15-31 Day 3: Jeremiah 33-36 Day 4: Matthews 12:1-21 Day 5: Hebrew 7 Day 6: Revelation 8 Portion Description Media Content I- Incense God taught Moses to prepare the...

Portion 61

Golden Text: Exodus 30:11-21 Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 30:11-21 Day 2: Psalm 9 Day 3: Malachi 4 Day 4: Mark 6 Day 5: Luke 10:17-24 Day 6: Matthew 20 Portion Description Media Content I- The half shekel. In most translations when this text is read, it is...