Portion 55

Golden Text: Ex 23:20-33 Readings for the week: Day 1: Ex 23:20-33 Day 2: Ps 95 Day 3: Rom 2:17-29 Day 4: Rom 15:7-21 Day 5: 1Cor 10:1-22 Day 6: Phil 1:12-30 Portion Description Media Content I- Three details that help to understand this portion. The first thing is to...

Portion 54

Golden Text: Ex 21:1-23:19 Readings for the week: Day 1: Ex 21 Day 2: Ex 22:1-23:19 Day 3: Ps 15 Day 4: Is 8 Day 5: Jr 9-10 Day 6: Ezk 8-11 Portion Description Media Content I- As in heaven so also on earth. This chapter of Exodus begins with a title: “These are...

Portion 53

Golden Text: Exodus 20:18-26 Readings for the week: Day 1: Exodus 20:18-26 Day 2: Isaiah 7 Day 3: Psalm 126-128 Day 4: Matthew 14 Day 5: Mark 1:16-39 Day 6: Acts 2:22-36 Portion Description Media Content I- Two very interesting details that this portion reveals. The...

Portion 52

Golden Text: Exodus 20:17 Readings for the week: Day 1: Psalm 35-36 Day 2: Matthew 6:19-34 Day 3: Luke 12:13-31 Day 4: 1 Timothy 6:1-10 Day 5: Hebrew 13:1-19 Day 6: James 4:1-10 Portion Description Media Content I- Greed. Greed is an evil that comes from inner...

Portion 51

Golden Text: Exodus 20:16 Readings for the week: Day 1: Psalm 17 Day 2: Psalm 140-141 Day 3: Romans 3 Day 4: 1 Corinthians 4 Day 5: 2 Corinthians 10 Day 6: James 3 Portion Description Media Content I- False testimony. This oath points directly toward the reputation of...